
Ghislaine Maxwell, the British heiress accused of recruiting underage victims for  financier and alleged pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, was arrested in New Hampshire by the FBI on Thursday.

Epstein was associated with several well known powerful wealthy people who used Epstein’s services. Bill Clinton had flown at least 11 times on “The Lolita Express” a private plane owned by  Epstein. Often flying to Epstein’s Caribbean get away known as “orgy island.” (here for full story).

Epstein allegedly killed himself back in August of 2024, in a Manhattan jail while awaiting trial on child sex trafficking charges. Court documents accused Epstein of bringing at least 40 underage girls to his mansion in New York for sexual encounters, and he would have faced at least 45 years in prison if found guilty.

Many powerful people allegedly participated along with Epstein in these heinous acts of abuse towards children; they did not want Epstein to name names. They did not want the victims of these horrible acts to have their justice.

The ONE person that KNOWS EVERYTHING is Ghislaine Maxwell, the question is, will she stay alive?


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It was Democrat Margaret Sanger -who was a eugenicist, that founded Planned Parenthood. Sanger was fearful that her racist views would be exposed, as recorded in a 1939 letter to an ally: “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” Sanger was intentional and specifically wanted Planned Parenthood in Black neighborhoods. Sanger’s plan sadly has succeeded. Over 15 million Black babies have been murdered since Roe V Wade passed. Planned Parenthood takes the life of 247 Black babies A DAY.

It was Democrat Lyndon B Johnson that was a known racist, constantly using the N-word, and calling bills on Civil Rights “N….. bills.”  Johnson created the system of Welfare, that incentivizes broken homes and gives “just enough” to get the vote, and creates a perpetuate cycle of poverty.

Today, we are seeing Democrats advocating for the destruction and tearing down of Democrat statues. Take for example Virginia’s current Democrat Governor Ralph Northam, who can be seen here 👇2024-06-15_1845

in his college year book in black face, or maybe he’s the one in the KKK garb?

Northam is advocating for the tearing down of the statue of Confederate General Robert E Lee. Huh, why would a Democrat want a statue of their past torn down? Perhaps because they don’t want ANYONE to KNOW of their blatantly racist past???? History not learned is repeated.

So, let’s look at facts and look at history, shall we?

It was WHITE REPUBLICANS that FOUGHT ALONGSIDE BLACK REPUBLICANS TO END SLAVERY IN THE CIVIL WAR. Republicans were and ARE the Party of Lincoln, the Party of Abolition.
Democrats claim that a “party switch” took place though. Democrats say that it was the election of 1964, in which Democrats became Republicans & Republicans became Democrats.

Republican (Libertarian) “wild card” Barry Goldwater faced off against Democrat Lyndon B Johnson in the 1964 Election.

Now…. bear with me here…..
618ip安卓下载 opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Lyndon B Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law, though more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than Democrats.

It is important to note that it was KKK member & Democrat Senator Robert Byrd (Hillary’s dear friend) that filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (Yes, here’s a pic of  KKK leader, Senator Robert Byrd, smooching on “I got hot sauce in my purse,” Hillary Clinton.)

Okay back to the election of 1964.

Yes, it is true that Goldwater opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Goldwater opposed the act because he was a States Rights advocate, a big 10th Amendment supporter, had nothing to do with discrimination. Goldwater was actually the 1st Senator to call for the desegregation of the Senate cafeteria, and made it a mission to have the Senate Cafeteria desegregated, which he accomplished. Goldwater believed though that States should hold the majority of power, not the Federal Government. He saw the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as Federal Government overreach.
In this election, Southern Democrats that opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 voted for Republican Goldwater. The Democrats in the South wanted states rights and didn’t want the Federal Government imposing vast laws of the land. This is why the Democrat South voted for Goldwater.
Most Republicans however didn’t support their own nominee because of Goldwater’s advocacy for State Rights and opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
After this election, Democrats in the South went back to voting for Democrats.
Only Two Congressmen switched parties to Republican in 1964 after the Civil Rights Act, Strom Thurmond and Mills Godwin. That’s right, Only TWO.


The Southern States didn’t vote for a Republican President again until Reagan. This happened because of Reagan’s Conservative stances.
The Southern States in Congress didn’t flip until the 1990’s. And it wasn’t until 2010 that Republicans gained a solid hold of the Southern States.
This change occurred because the South identified now with Conservative values: pro-life, pro-second A, and desired limited Government.
When someone tells you the parties switched this is a LIE.
This never happened.
Republicans have always been the Party of Lincoln, the Party to Abolish Slavery, The Party that gave Women the Right to vote, The Party that ended Jim Crow. The Party of LIFE.

We ARE and will always be the Party of FREEDOM & Individual Liberty.


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Filed under: 1964, Abolition, Civil Rights Act, Civil War, Democrats, Facts Matter, Freedom, No Party Switch, No switch, Party of Jim Crow, Party of KKK, Republican Party


There’s this part of me that wishes we could all just get along. But then, when I really think about, the fundamental differences between Conservatives and Democrats is black and white. The Democrat party has been hijacked by pro Socialist, pro Communist ideology. The “blue dog” Democrat, that was Democrat because he or she was “pro Union,” and classically Liberal is GONE. The party now has gone so far left, finding common ground is almost impossible.
The approach to solving problems is so vastly different that I ask, “can we govern together?”
This pandemic has just further exposed the vast divide.
To be a Democrat….
To be a Democrat means you believe what the Mainstream media tells you.
You don’t question what you are told.
You just believe.
If a scientist disagrees with another scientist, you don’t look further for THE truth- you believe the Scientist that hates President Trump.
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To be a Democrat means you want the government to tell you what’s best for you. You support the enlargement of government, which means you completely missed U.S. History Class, and the purpose of the very principles that founded America.
To be a Democrat means the government can pay for everything, until it can’t, and then …well print money, which causes inflation but…. Venezuela isn’t as bad as people say it is…..right?
To be a Democrat means teachers know more than parents, when it comes to knowing our own children.
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To be a Democrat means Government control. Control somehow comforts you. You need control.
To be a Democrat means the concept of Individual Liberty doesn’t connect with you. Personal Freedom is just nonsensical.
To be a Democrat…..
I honestly don’t know a single happy Democrat.
I honestly could never think like this……ever.

(***To support Conservative Momma vlogs and blogs please consider donating to Paypal  or become a monthly Patron for $1 a month at Patreon.)

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Filed under: communism, Conservative Momma, 618ip免费版, Covid19, Democrat Governors, Democrat Party, Freedom, Individual Liberty, Lockdowns, pandemic, Progressive, Socialism, The Left, To be a Democrat


Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has just released the names of those who potentially asked for the unmasking of Lt. General Flynn.

What does this mean?

This means that the list of below names listened/read transcript of PRIVATE CITIZEN Lt. General Flynn’s phone call with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak, and asked for the unmasking of Flynn. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, has safeguards in place, designed to protect Americans who are “incidentally” recorded with a foreigner. One protection is that they must be “masked.” In short, unmasking MUST have a national security rationale. But we now know the FBI had the transcript, nothing was said to the Russian Ambassador that displayed criminal activity. Flynn was not charged with ANYTHING said inappropriately to the Russian Ambassador, he was charged with lying to the FBI. Which we now know the 纯真 - 穿越时空隧道,重拾昔日纯真!:QQ空间留言伕码:过着八戒的生活,却想要猴哥的身材2021-09-18 QQ空间留言伕码:我见过最蓝的天是初遇你的那天2021-09-18 QQ空间留言伕码:我希望能独自享受,你的温柔2021-09-18 QQ空间留言伕码:牵牵手就能成婚的故事,谁不喜欢2021-09-18 中秋节QQ ... to lie, and yet these people wanted an unmasking.

An increase of masking by 300% was done here under the Obama Administration. Also this list includes OVER 16 Obama Administration Officials wanted an unmasking and 39 unmasking requests. Why did Samantha Powers, ambassador to the U.N. want to unmask Flynn? Another name on the list was Obama’s chief of Staff, Denis McDonough done on January 5th. Also Joe Biden, who told George Stephanopoulos last week: “I was aware that there was, that they had asked for an investigation but that’s all I know about it,” Biden said. Now we KNOW BIDEN ASKED FOR AN UNMASKING! Huh…..it’s almost as if they were all teaming up or something……..


These names below then KNEW Flynn DID NOTHING WRONG, and went along with the prosecution of Flynn! They sat and watched Flynn’s life be turned upside down as Robert Mueller pushed to prosecute Flynn.

Why did they do this?

They did this to push for the Russian Hoax! If they can get someone associated with Trump prosecuted, then they thought this would give validity to the RUSSIAN HOAX. This would cause an ousting of Trump.

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Filed under: 4th Amendment, Biden, 618伕理软件官网, 618ip免费版, Denis McDonough, FBI, Flynn, Names, NSA, obama, Powers, Russia, SPY, Trump, Unmasking, Warrant


“Feeding my kids isn’t selfish,” said Shelley Luther, to the judge before being sentenced to 7 days in jail for re-opening her hair salon in Dallas, Texas.

Shelly Luther made the controversial decision to defy Texas’s stay-at-home order and reopened her salon this last week on April 24th. The Judge asked Luther to apologize, admit that she was wrong, and close her hair salon until it was allowed to re-open, Luther refused and was then sentenced to 7 days in jail.

It is being reported that since the sentence, Luther has been hit with a hefty 7,000 dollar fine. Her salon is also being fined $1000 for every day she continues to defy the state’s orders. The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott,  has just stated that Salons can open this Friday, May 8th, so Luther will be fined every day till Friday.

I am shocked this happening. This isn’t the America I know, and I refuse to accept this as a “new normal.” People have the RIGHT to earn a living!

I have said this and will continue to say this, our Constitutional rights do not go away in the midst of a pandemic. We must rise up and speak up! I hope this woman shows the pastors out there what a backbone looks like, because in the midst of all of this madness, churches have the right to assemble, and we are protected by the Constitution to do so! The INDIVIDUAL has the RIGHT to CHOOSE TO STAY HOME OR CHOOSE TO NOT STAY HOME!


All of this started as a virus. It has since morphed into a paralyzing FEAR. Irrational fear, not based on science. Power and control have since taken over and we are witnessing  complete government overreach.

Here is Luther’s response to the judge. This woman is a hero!

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Filed under: arrested, Conservative Momma, Constitutional Rights, Covid19, Dallas Texas, Freedom, 618伕理软件官网, Liberty, pandemic, Salon Owner, Sentenced, Shelly Luther, Small buisness